We’ve all been there… You find an interested candidate who is a great fit, you’re by their side throughout the entire recruiting process, and then they make it to the offer stage. But once the offer is extended to the candidate, they unexpectedly decline.
What happened!?
Was it doubts about certain aspects of the job or company? Misunderstandings about salary? Another job offer elsewhere?
Whatever the reason may be, you’ve got a better shot at avoiding the dreaded declined-offer scenario by having the right conversations. It is important to form a trusting relationship with your candidate where you can ask them honest questions and receive honest answers.
Here are some topics to thoroughly discuss in order to greatly reduce your chances of being blindsided by a declined offer:
What happened!?
Was it doubts about certain aspects of the job or company? Misunderstandings about salary? Another job offer elsewhere?
Whatever the reason may be, you’ve got a better shot at avoiding the dreaded declined-offer scenario by having the right conversations. It is important to form a trusting relationship with your candidate where you can ask them honest questions and receive honest answers.
Here are some topics to thoroughly discuss in order to greatly reduce your chances of being blindsided by a declined offer: